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Epic | Review

So… I fell asleep through the ENTIRE movie, so my friend is reviewing the film in my place….

Dil’s (first ever) 1-minute Review: Epic.This computer animated fantasy-adventure-comedy-drama-musical is anything but “epic”. Brought to you by the same guys that created Ice Age and Rio, Blue Sky Studios, for better words, tried a little too hard with their latest installment. Loosely based off of the children’s books: The Leaf Men and The Brave Good Bugs, epic tells the story of 17 year old MK (Amanda Seyfried) who goes to reconnect with her estranged father (Jason Sudeikis) who lives in the woods and does research on what he believes are “tiny soldiers living in an advanced society moving at hyper speed”. After failed attempts to reconnect with her father, MK decides to leave her father’s home. As MK is leaving, she finds herself face to face with the Queen of the Forest, Queen Tara (Beyonce Knowles), who in her last dying words gives MK a mission to protect a pod that was blessed with the power of all living things from Boggans, basically mold spreading bugs that wear carcasses of dead animals because that’s a thing for them. Apparently. Oh and the Queen also shrinks MK to the size of the leaf men which is less than an inch. Why did she do this? To make life hard. MK sets out on a mission to find Nim Galuu (Steven Tyler), a glowworm that knows the entire history of the forest’s past and decides to help MK on her mission of protecting the pod. MK is joined by Ronin (Colin Farrell), the leaf man who leads in protecting the Queen because he has a personal relationship with her? We never actually found out if that was true – but we’re made to believe they had a thing going on – it was never clarified, Nod (Josh Hutcherson) a rookie and naive leaf man who quits the leaf men to go race birds for a living but then joins MK and Ronin because he is clearly attracted to MK, Mub (Aziz Ansari) and Grub (Chris O’Dowd) the slug & snail caretakers of the pod that needs (more?) protecting. Pitbull is also in this movie. He plays a toad. He didn’t have much to do with the film in my opinion.

As you can see, I didn’t even do a full synopsis of the movie and it’s already become a 2-minute review. The creators went a little overboard with their characters and overall feel for the movie. It felt unnecessarily ambitious, they tried to throw in a musical number for crying out loud. Even though this is a KIDS movie, it had huge potential to be “epic” for all ages but it didn’t make it for me. It put Kent to sleep; now when a movie puts Kent to sleep something is clearly wrong.

Two out of four Dil's.