
Welcome to my blog. I document my interests in films, tv shows, and more.

Paranormal Activity | Review

Paranormal Activity | Review

I expected too much out of Paranormal, that, despite it being a decent movie, I left the theater disappointed. I expected to be frightened and to shit in my pants, but that didn’t happen. I appreciated how different the movie was, and how the director used small, but clever scare tactics, being his first film and all; good thing this wasn’t a hollywood movie, too! That would’ve ruined it. The movie had wonderful actors, and the couple had realistic chemistry with one another. The thing I didn’t like, though, was the fact that the movie was too slow trying to get to the scary moments. The slow parts dragged my patience for so long that I ended up bored for most of the ‘scary’ moments. Lots of people in the audience freaked out and hollered at the scary moments, but I didn’t, and I’m not that hard to scare. Most of the audience laughed during the scary moments, because everyone expected to be scared out of their minds. Yeah, the movie was funny, because of the guy, Micah, and his humorous attitude, but after a while, I stopped laughing. The best part of the movie, though, is the final act. Things really started to pick up near the end, but the ending was anticlimactic and disappointing. The movie didn’t deserve such an ending, but the moment RIGHT before the ending was amazing. The minutes before the movie ended was the truly intense, freaky, creepy part of the movie. If only the film was like that the whole time, I would’ve been scared and loved it! Although I was disappointed, the experience as a whole was absolutely fun. With the movie theater packed and stuff, and everyone expecting the same thing from the movie, it was fun and exciting. If you truly want to be scare, though, I’d suggest going alone, or maybe with a few other people, on a day when the movie theater isn’t packed. Go on a weekday in order to get an empty theater. Hopefully that would heighten the scary parts of the movie.

Two and a half out of four Kents.

Date Night | Review

Date Night | Review

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen | Review

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen | Review