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The Final Destination | Review

The Final Destination | Review

“The Final Destination” has achieved the unexpected – it’s actually worse than the third film in the franchise! This fourth film in the series has nothing that made the first two, and to an extent, even the third, films unique and amazing. “The Final Destination” doesn’t have the cleverness intricacies of the previous films. None of the freak accidents are elaborate this time around. I blame the uncreative deaths on the fact that this film was released in 3D. The deaths were obviously created in order to fully utilize the 3D. Poles are sticking out towards the audience, things fly towards the screen, etc. Because all of the deaths are trying to utilize and please the 3D effect, the originality and creativity of the deaths are lowered. And that’s the main problem with “The Final Destination.” The main reason the “Final Destination” films are so good is the fact that the deaths are cunning and captivating. The acting and story comes second. The deaths are what makes the films work, and what makes the films actually fun.

Now, the first film in the series was actually good. The acting was good, the story was good, the plane explosion was good, and the deaths were intricate. The second film was just as good as the first, if not better. The third film sort of had not-as-good acting or a not-as-good storyline, but the deaths were still fun and interesting. In “The Final Destination,” the story is boring. We never really get to settle with the characters or learn about them enough to actually care whether or not they’re going to die. In the first three films, I actually cared for many of the characters. In this film, things just happen. The characters wander from one place to another, moving the plot along without a care in the world. The only thing we learn about the main characters is who’s the hero, who’s the girlfriend, who’s the mom, who’s the asshole, etc. We don’t know anything else about them.

In the previous films, the accidents portrayed in the beginning were always badass and amazing. The plane explosion was intense, the highway crash/pile-up was breathless, and the rollercoaster accident was crazy (although cheesy at many points). The racecar accident in this film is boring and uninteresting.

The “Final Destination” films don’t necessarily need amazing actors and actresses, though they usually do have good actors and actresses. “The Final Destination,” however, has wooden and stiff actors/actresses. The two main leads are okay, but the other characters suck.

Honestly, the only good thing I’d have to say about this film is the fact that the pool scene was filmed down my street. My house is a few doors down from the country club where the pool scene was filmed, which was pretty cool. Other than that, the film was a letdown. The next and fifth film in the franchise is currently in the works, and tentatively titled ‘5nal Destination.’ The filmmakers have hired Eric Heisserer to write the next film, and apparently they’re hoping he takes the film in a new direction. Let’s hope the next film in the “Final Destination” series will bring back the intricate and elaborate deaths, and also the fun and joy that was included in the first three.

One out of four Kents.

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