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Second Citizen | Humans Being Episode 3

Second Citizen | Humans Being Episode 3

In the summer of 2017 I had the amazing opportunity to be one of eleven creatives selected to be a part of The Jubilee Project’s fifth fellowship cohort. It was a life-changing experience that I’m so thankful to have been a part of. We were all split into four teams, each creating a documentary short within a two-week timespan. It was an extremely challenging, but also fun, experience. And most of all, I made so many new lifelong friends because of this from all over the world. I will be forever grateful to Taylor and Jason for this wonderful opportunity.

"We're here to work harder than most, to put a stamp in our lives, and to build bridges."

Jubilee Media is proud to share part three of our “Humans Being” series - Second Citizen. Immigrants must fight to stay in the United States now more than ever in today’s political landscape.

Tamara Rodriguez is a Mexican immigrant artist who holds an extraordinary VISA and works multiple jobs as a teacher, dancer and performer. Through art and dance, she expresses her immigrant struggles and hopes to inspire others to work hard and chase after their dreams. Tamara is determined to break the stereotype and prove that immigrants are contributing members of society after witnessing many cases of discrimination.

As humans, we are all being, living, and adding value to the world. Humans Being is a short-documentary series that seeks to tell extraordinary stories of people who are marginalized, underdogs, and unconventional.

Director: Roann Pao

Producer: Daniel Chen

Director of Photography: Angela Tran

Editor: Kent Tong

Associate Producers: Alison Chang & Jean Rheem

Executive Producers: Josh Jackson, Taylor Matsunaga, Jason Y. Lee

Special Thanks: Brandon Avery, Susie Lee, Jenine Pastores, Brian Tang, Ien Chen, Kevin J. Nguyen, RJ Siu, Daniel "Potter" Kim, Arthur Lee, Shirley Kuang, Jieun Jinny Do, Lina Li, Michael Kim, Dan Hyon


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